Friday, January 18, 2013

Writers as Readers

I mostly read romance novels.  However I love the fantasy and drama and adventure just as much.  Romance novels are kind of a reminder of what I want.  I'm so picky with guys and who I hang around, its not really that I don't like people, its just I only put myself around people who I can deal with.  And as I've gotten older I've found my list of friends get shorter everyday.  There's plenty of acquaintance's but to find a true friend or boyfriend is that hard part.

My favorite book now would be Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire.  I bought the book off of Barnes and Noble and read it off my nook app on my phone and could not set it down.  I don't know if it was because it was a romance novel or the story line but I was so excited to find out what happen and when it did I was so happy and excited but also sad knowing I had just finished it.  I don't trudge through books unless its a history book or a book I have to read in class, because they usually hold no interest for me.

The first book I remember reading would be "The Prince of Egypt", I didn't read it by myself my dad helped me read it.  Ive always loved that book it took us forever to finish because i remember the book being so big and having such a huge story to tell.  The book mostly stands out because my dad helped me read it and I'm such a daddy's girl that would always be the best part of my night was him helping me read.

My favorite series would be the Twilight Saga. Because its the only series that Ive actually read all of the books and seen all the movies, own all of books and all but one of the movies because it hasn't come out yet, and went to all the movie premieres.

When I finished reading Breaking Dawn, I was extremely sad, and actually cried because I knew that it was the end of the series and there wouldn't be another book or another movie.  Then I felt like id never find a book or series Id actually enjoy reading after but now in my free time I read.  And sometimes I even cancel on my friends just so I can read a book.

I don't think how much you read determines if you would be a strong writer.  I think it all depends on whether you've got the talent or not, you could not read a single book and be an amazing writer.  Or you could read all the time and be a horrible writer.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't thought of reading a book on my phone...I might need to get that app. I have a Nook and I really like it. I enjoyed the Twilight series, too...

    I relate to what you say about needing (or maybe finding) less friends as you get older. I am happy with a small circle of close friends and it's hard for me to muster up the effort to make new friends now that I'm in my 30s...
